Between the January blues and winter colds and flu, the start of the year might need a little brightening. So, our first cocktail of the week of the year is a Penicillin. Made with lemon, honey, and ginger, this shares enough properties with a sore-throat soother to provide a sense of comfort and health — in cocktail form.
This recipe comes from Lowland distillery Eden Mill, made with its blended malt Scotch whisky the Guard Bridge.
50ml the Guard Bridge
Thumb of ginger
5ml peated whisky
20ml lemon juice
20ml honey syrup
Grate ginger into shaker and add the Guard Bridge, lemon juice, and honey syrup. Shake and double strain into rocks glass with block ice, and garnish with crystallised ginger. Spray peated whisky over the top of the glass with an atomiser.
Click here to catch up on previous cocktail of the week selections.